The Great Clans of Rokugan: Legend of the Five Rings: The Collected Novellas, Vol. 1 by Katrina Ostrander & Robert Denton III & Mari Murdock & Daniel Lovat Clark

The Great Clans of Rokugan: Legend of the Five Rings: The Collected Novellas, Vol. 1 by Katrina Ostrander & Robert Denton III & Mari Murdock & Daniel Lovat Clark

Author:Katrina Ostrander & Robert Denton III & Mari Murdock & Daniel Lovat Clark [Ostrander, Katrina]
Language: eng
Format: azw3
Tags: epic fantasy, magic & mystery, legend of the five rings, samurai
Publisher: Aconyte
Published: 2021-11-16T00:00:00+00:00


“They are ready.”

Tsukune turned. Her brocaded silks and pale hakama invoked a flame dancing above a blessed candle, her kataginu proudly displaying the crest of the Phoenix Champion. “Lead on,” she said. Tetsu nodded.

Soon they stood beneath a pagoda roof in the Garden of No Mind. The dancing grasses had become golden tipped as autumn painted the lands in new colors. They climbed the steps to the stone teahouse. Rain was falling in spite of the sun.

“Hm,” Tetsu remarked. “A fox’s wedding.”

She glanced at him with a smirk. “That’s right. A fox’s wedding.”

When they reached the top, Tetsu reached into his satchel and withdrew a thin bound stack of pages. Tsukune brightened when she saw it. “That’s all of them?”

“All but a collection of letters, which I am still assembling.” Tetsu offered her the stack. “Ujimitsu-sama wrote in this journal every day since he drew Ofushikai. It contains many of his deepest insights.”

She accepted it with grateful hands. “Thank you.” She ran her fingers across the weathered pages. “I want to learn everything I can about him. I will return it soon.”

Tetsu flashed a smile. “Keep it. It is yours. Sensei would have wanted that.”

Their gazes lingered together. Leaves fell from the ancient oak at the center of the Grove of the Five Masters.

“I’m sorry, Tetsu-san.” Tsukune kept her eye on the pond. “I know I can never replace him.”

He would not look at her.

“And I know you would rather it was you that had been chosen. You are the better fighter, Tetsu. I need to work hard before I’ll ever be at your level. I’m still not sure why the sword chose me.” She looked to the sky. “But whatever the reason, I won’t find it by hiding from my feelings, or trying to replace the others. I’m going to do things differently. I’m going to do my best.” She smiled at him, the sunlight caught in her spectral eye. “How about you?”

Tetsu watched her enter the chamber of the Masters. “Me, too,” he whispered. “Me, too.”

The Masters took their seats as Tsukune entered. She approached confidently, stopping just beyond the lip of the table. Five Masters were here: Tsuke, Azunami, Eju…

No Rujo. The Earth Master was gone.

Seated in his place was Isawa Tadaka. His hands, fingers laced, rested on the stone table, his wide-brimmed conical hat nearly concealing his eyes. And there was something new: a crimson cloth wrapped around his face. On his chest was the jade-tinted crest of the Master of Earth.

Tsukune sighed. I see.

“Ah, Tadaka-san!” said Isawa Ujina as he sat beside his son. “I’m glad you could make it. I heard your caravan in Crab lands was delayed.”

Tadaka’s voice was only slightly muffled by the mask. “Temporary setbacks. I am used to them.” He regarded her openly. “Hello, Tsukune. It has been some time.”

“Congratulations on your recent appointment,” she replied.

His eyes smiled.

“Now then,” Ujina said, rapping the table with his cane. The Masters quieted. “You are the one who called this meeting, champion. What is this all about?”

As one, the Masters turned to her.


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